Many land owners advertise their land offering in fb groups. In theory it’s a great idea, but there are a few drawbacks.
It’s definitely quick and easy to post a listing.
But would you try and sell your house yourself? Well no, you’d use a great agent who has the skills, savvy and reach to maximise your return and attract the right applicant. Wouldn’t you?
Renting your land to a Tiny House tenant is no different.
I’ve heard MANY stories from property owners who’ve tried to find a tenant via Facebook groups. Many have told me they’ve spent hours and even days responding to interested parties and answering the same questions on repeat. And how many people now have your phone number and know exactly where you live?
Often the host will make arrangements to meet the applicant on the property- and it quickly becomes apparent they’re not at all a good match, or even worse, they haven’t even starting building a Tiny house yet.
THOUSANDS of people dream of Tiny life- but only a handful are genuinely serious about making it happen.
That’s where we come in.
We work on a paid membership model, which tends to weed out the “tyre-kickers” and time wasters. This ensures only those who are genuinely ready to secure land view your listing.
We also don’t accept member applications for property listings until 6 months out from their Tiny House delivery date.
It’s unfair for anyone to ask you to “hold” a spot for them longer than a couple months in advance. I know cases where land owners have tried to help out someone by holding land for over six months.. only to have that person ghost them and never make contact again. Its neither right nor fair, and our process helps avoid this.
Applicants are screened according to YOUR criteria.
Not comfortable having kids around? Done.
Only want someone in a Tiny House on Wheels? No problem.
Looking for someone with handyman or permaculture skills? Leave it to me.
Our application process ensures we have all the info needed to cross-check a Tiny Houser against the specifics of your property and your wishes. It’s your home- you need to be comfortable having a stranger living there. We take some of the uncertainty out of that equation.
With us there’s no more giving out your phone number and address to strangers- EVER. The exact address of your listing remains private, and is only ever disclosed by you once you’ve chatted with an applicant after going through our screening process. You are in full control of the application process.
Many property owners are also pretty new to Tiny Houses and aren’t sure what to expect.
We provide full Host Support- from the time you apply to become a Host, right through to your Tiny House tenant’s moving day!
Not sure how much to charge for power? Need help negotiating a lease?
We’re here for all of it.
Our goal is to make hosting so easy and straightforward, that you tell all your friends how great it is, so they become Hosts too!
We invite anyone with spare land to become part of the solution to the housing crisis.
ParkMyTinyHouse makes it super simple:
✅ no time-wasters
✅ no unrealistic demands
✅ save days of your precious time
✅ applicants screened according to your criteria
✅ confidentiality guaranteed
✅ full host support
Let’s start working together today ⭐️
#newlisting #tinyhomesexpo #thow #tinyhouseaustralia #homeiswhereyouparkit #mortgagestress #housingcrisis
#tinyhouselife #livingtiny #tinyliving #tinyhouseonwheels #tinyhomeonwheels #tinyhomeaustralia #offgridliving #tinyhousemovement #tinyhousebuilder
